Sunday, November 30, 2008

Our Car

We attended sacrament meeting today with my parents and siblings. During the last talk, the speaker was connecting pride and ingratitude. His example culminated in his sentence, "Have you ever said, `Have you seen the Johnson's car? What a piece of Junk.'"

We all started laughing (reverently). Of course, Nick and I and my family have all seen our car and to one degree or another, have thought "What a piece of junk." The most common time that thought crosses my mind is when the car won't start. However, for a 1992 Honda, it's doing great. We're grateful for it and love it.


Jo Ellen/Toots said...

LOL. Love, Toots

Wendy said...

I hear ya, Kara. Our Honda is a 1992 too. I figure as long as we get from point A to point B, we're good to go. It makes my day if I can just go out and start it. Most people aren't that grateful when their car starts.

sarah said...

I love it.