Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Mopping, Part 2

I mentioned that something always happens to the floor right after you mop. I realize Saturday to Wednesday is not right after you mop, but I do feel the floor has been cursed this week. I dropped more things than usual. Moments before the incident pictured above, a spice jar rolled off the fridge and shattered on the floor. I spilled my spaghetti dinner. I would like to give Nick just a titch of blame for adding oil to the noodles, which aided them in their efforts to escape the containment of my plate. Heat was also a factor. You can't stop food that's too hot to touch. Just let it go.
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Wendy said...

Kara, I swear I can't read anything you write without laughing. I can just hear you saying it... "aided in the effort of escaping the containment of my plate". Hopefully you have one of those sweet swivel mops like I have. It makes mopping much more tolerating.

sarah said...

May your turkey not slide off your plate...

Liz said...

I remember the days (before children) when the time before mopping was counted in weeks. I really took all that free time and all those clean floors for granted.

Enjoy your turkey, I wish we were cooking together today!

Liz said...

oops, the time between mopping, not the time before mopping. I didn't even own a mop the first year.