I've been having some technical difficulties with the blog. Typically when we're on the go, I email a quick post containing a picture from my phone. I've been doing that on this trip, but the posts have been disappearing into thin air. I have no idea where they are going, but they're not showing up here. As a result, you're missing out on Henry's visit to the Museum of Science and Industry, his first bus ride, and his visit along Michigan Avenue after their lighting ceremony.
We stayed in a hotel that was pretty nice- the Club Quarters Hotel in the loop area of downtown Chicago. We used the elevated train to get to and from the airport, which was a little interesting with all of our stuff, but worked out pretty well. We were lucky the weather was so nice- sunny with the high about 50.
We then flew accross the country to San Jose, California in a chair in the sky going 500 miles per hour. Henry was nearly perfect throughout the flight. A few minutes after take off, we realized we had sent the baby wipes in our checked baggage. I know, that's the mistake of a novice parent. But he was a perfect gentleman and we didn't need them, so we dodged that bullet.
We rented a Ford Fusion and drove to Fresno. We're staying in "downtown" Fresno. It's looking a little depressed. I came to Fresno about thirteen years ago to visit my dad's aunt, C. Anne. But other than their mild winters, I don't really remember much. At a glance, it's less appealing to live here than the other places he has interviewed. No offence to Marcie, but California seems just a little too crazy. I mean, do I want to live in a state with a bottle deposit and is always on fire? The data for Fresno that I was looking at was from 2005, and their unemployment was 13% back then. I'm sure if we end up here things would work out just fine, but I don't think we'd live downtown.
Tonight, our trip gets really exciting. We head back up to San Jose, and then fly to San Diego to be with the Pages! Sarah and Nate allowed us to invite ourselves over for Thanksgiving. One thing we have missed since they moved from St. Louis to San Diego is their delicious pastries, so I'm glad we're visiting over a pie-laden holiday.
What are your favorite things in San Diego?
Fred's Mexican in Old Town.
i'm glad for the explanation - i felt deserted. it sounds like you're having a great time. mom
Definately Fred's in Old Town, and go to Lounge Burgers on the Island across the curving freeway (the best burger I have ever eaten! Seriously!) and pretty cheap too. It was delicious.
Also in Old Town there is a great little restaurant that looks like a white house and you can eat outside. It serves sandwhiches, drinks, coffee, desserts. I want to call it the Black Door or something, but it's practically right across the street from Freds and definately across the street from the old cemetary. It was amazing. Not too many people ate there, but they had a live band (a man playing keyboard, and another one on guitar, and they have lights strung across the yard which add to the very romantic ambience. We also liked the San Diego park, and there is also a fun shopping area with really expensive restaurants right on the waterfront, right down town. I don't know what it's called.
Also, split an ice cream sundae at Ghirredelli chocolates in downtown San Diego.
Hope you guys have fun!
Mexican food in Old Town. Definitely LOVE seafood with a fabuouls view at World Famous (http://www.worldfamous.signonsandiego.com/map.html) and then walking along the beach. Mission Beach rollercoaster. Sea World, happiest place on earth. Balboa Park is nice for a walk with a stroller riding baby.
my favorite things about San Diego are the Pages and the Warrens. We miss them both a lot, especially at the holidays, Thanksgiving won't be the same without Nate
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