Sunday, July 27, 2008

Seriously So Spoofed

Deseret News featured a blog in their insert Mormon Times. is a satirical blog which pokes fun (lovingly) at the young Mormon bride's blog. It's funny because it is so close to reality. I see aspects of myself and other bloggers I know in her entries. Honestly, how can I NOT go on and on about how wonderful Nick is. I too am guilty of thinking that no one has ever been as perfect for each other as Nick and I are or that we're the only ones who have so much fun being married. I'm not guilty of presenting only perfect children and craft projects, but only because I don't have children or craft projects. Many of those who leave comments get the satire and add another layer of humor to the site. The current "memories of me" blog entry includes comments from visitors about their fictional girls' camp and high school experiences. Pretty awesome. I hope you enjoy it.

P.S. Her enthusiasm for Twilight seems less like satire and more like my reality.


Linette Smith said...

Kara - i miss you already. Mommy

Sara said...

I too love this blog. I couldn't blog about it though, I know it's directed toward me.

Liz said...

Oh, Kara, you are a great friend. I have Seriously indulged in this blog a little myself. George prefers Nuk, by the way.