Thursday, May 3, 2012

Gigi at 11 Months

Gigi wearing her Halloween costume at 11 months old, standing like a champ..

Georgia is 11 months old.  This lady bug costume is sized 3-6 months, and fit her perfectly.  She was in the third percentile at her 9 month visit, and I hope she's at least holding steady there.  She does not walk, but she can stand up without any support or assistance, and when she decides she is done standing she lowers herself gently to the floor.  She climbs up and down stairs, but not so securely I let her do it by herself.  She crawls happily from to room and cruises along the furniture.
When Nick walks in from work, she says "hi!".  In addition to saying mama and dada, she is trying to say Caesar (which she calls all dogs) but it is just the "s" so it sounds like a snake impression.
She is now a bottle-fed baby.  Weaning was much harder for me than it was for her.  I was very emotional even though I knew it was the decision that worked best for our family.  She wasn't drinking what I thought was enough formula at first, but it turns out my age-based expectations weren't nearly as reasonable as a weight-based calculation.  She started to drink a little more and we're both happy.  She loves fruit, she will eat certain vegetables.  She throws a lot of food on the floor.
She still sucks her left thumb while playing with hair in her right hand when she's tired.  I've seen her play with Caesar's hair.
She is cutting her eighth tooth right now.  She has only been the tiniest bit fussy with teething, manifesting itself as midnight crying.
She makes lots of cute noises.  She is learning how to be loud enough to compete with Henry.  She plays very well with him even though he takes away all the toys.  She pushes cars along the floor.  She is great at playing peek-a-boo.  I love to cover her face with a cloth and then pretend I can't see her.
She is much easier-going than Henry was (and continues to be).  However, she still can be one determined and uncompromising creature.  Just try to eat in front of her without sharing.

She is so cute when she waves, often enthusiastically with both hands.
Lady Bug flying lessons

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