Sunday, July 10, 2011

Trying to Find Religion

Without Nick, church was not really smooth sailing when I had one kid, and adding a second has not made it any easier.  Getting ready is the hard part. I swear the two kids are conspiring against me since they know they have me outnumbered. When I woke up this morning, I knew we'd be a little late. We ended up being an hour and a half late.
Girls are harder to get ready because there's pressure to make sure their outfit matches and there's accessories involved. Boys are harder to get ready because after you get them dressed you turn your back for a second and suddenly they have no shirt, socks or shoes on anymore.

Henry didn't exactly sit still, or be quiet, but he wasn't terrible.  Georgia has needs, but is completely reasonable.  The bottom picture is Henry rolling all over the floor of the Mother's Room. This is after he was using the diaper pail as a drum.


Jo Ellen/Toots said...

How about the Holy Rollers? Will that work for Henry? :)

Brey, Hillary, Leila & Lydia said...

Leila is hard in sacrament meeting- brey is in ym presidency so he sits up with them until sacrament- i cheat and give leila chocolate milk, but that's got to end soon- and i don't know how it will go.