Monday, June 2, 2008

Johnson Sunday Afternoon in Saratoga

We visited Nick's dad's family this Sunday. Since Nick's only break during the week is Sunday, we try to share him on the Sabbath. We went with Darla and Sean to the loudest ward in the Church (Harvest Hills 3rd ward) where I believe OSHA sound guidelines were exceeded. The vast majority of the ward was young enough to be wearing pampers. They had a great organist and conductor. After church we had dinner, then Nick and Sean went for a 3 mile walk. After some German chocolate cake, we played Mexican Train dominoes, then Scrabble. Nick won at both games, so even in my losses, I'm at least married to a winner.
For being just 8, Sean is very respectable at Scrabble. We did let him get away with spelling ooze without an e on the end.
Lanier has had a moustache from puberty to just before I met him five years ago, and IT'S BACK! He shaved it for work all those years ago and it now has a glorious return. It's probably a little more grey than it was at its last siting.
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Anonymous said...

I especially like the pictures with Nick's dad on the couch in the bachground. It looks like someone was kind enough to give a blanket to make his Sunday nap more comfortable, I can only assume that was you Kara. I don't know if I would have allowed such a spelling error. You are much more sportsmanlike than myself.

Kara said...

Blanket update- Nick's dad think's that everything under 86 degrees in the house is cold. He turns the temperature up, then his wife turns it down. He gets cold, turns it up . . . . and the cycle continues. Nick actually handed the blanket to his dad, but Katie and I made it five years ago when I was first dating Nick. It's "Bob the Builder" made for Sean, who was turning 4 at the time.