Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Feeling Hot! Hot! Hot!

Last summer I discovered I had not truly known what it is to be hot. I had been in 100 degree weather, even climbed the great wall of china in it. But I hadn't been in 98 degree weather in 98% humidity. It's getting that hot here this week, and close to that humidity. Hardly my favorite season. The real trick is to not go outside after about 10:30 in the morning. If that cannot be avoided, I'd recommend the Becky Faddis method of having remote started your car which you left on high AC last time you were in it.

Unfortunately, the once powerful air conditioning of the Taurus has stopped working entirely. There's some problem with the fan, which is currently undiagnosed, but Nick will be working on that later. Our electric bill is close to $100 a month when it's this hot. Which of course seems expensive, but I am not willing to go without it.

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